Vitiligo Mask
how it all started
I was 16 years old, when I noticed my first white patch. Right beside my eye and just a week before my sister’s wedding!. I landed in Delhi and the wedding celebration began and so did the stares and comments from the Aunties. I had no idea at this point what it was or how it had appeared on my skin, in fact I just dismissed it thinking it was a spot that will go away in a few days.
It wasn’t until I returned to London that I discovered this white patch was Vitiligo. Soon after, Vitiligo appeared all over my body and left me feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable with my appearance. I hid behind make up, glasses and full-length clothing at the beginning of my adulthood and found the stares, questions and judgements from others really hard to deal with.
Vitiligo is
a part of me
Many years on, equipped with a better understanding and the confidence to express who I am, I welcome the conversations about Vitiligo! It’s a part of me and I’m proud of the skin I am in. I’ll never hid away again and will continue to connect with people like me and educate the ones who want to know more.
To mark this occasion and continue to spread awareness of Vitiligo, Saran Kohli Label is proud to announce the launch of their Vitiligo Face Masks.
Vitiligo Face Masks
These exclusive face masks have been created in collaboration with illustrator @thatsomira to represent this skin condition.
The digitally printed design on the premium cotton fabric of the reusable masks look like Vitiligo and each mask is as unique as our own skin is! The hope is to begin open conversations and further educate people about Vitiligo via these visual representations on now an essential protective piece.